UX Glossary

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There are currently 15 names in this directory beginning with the letter C.
Call to action (CTA):
An interactive UI element on a website or app that prompts a user to take a specific action; for instance, “Sign Up” or “Buy Now”

Card sort:
A popular research method in which information is organized, categorized, and labeled based on the feedback received from a selected audience [See closed card sort, hybrid card sort, and open card sort]

A software application used to conduct an online chat conversation via text or speech-to-text that can reply to questions, take instructions, and solve customer support problems without the need for a live human representative

Closed card sort:
A research method in which information is organized, categorized, and labeled based on the feedback received from a selected audience and where participants are asked to place items into predefined categories [See card sort, hybrid card sort, and open card sort]

Cognitive load:
The amount of mental effort a user has to invest when interacting with a product

Competitive analysis:
Identifying and evaluating the relative strengths and weaknesses of a competitor’s products or services

Content designer:
Plans, writes, edits, and manages content that is informed by research and an understanding of the holistic user journey, to help in the design of websites, apps, and other digital products

Content strategist:
Takes a high-level, strategic approach to planning, creating, publishing, and managing content to achieve a specific business or user goal

Content style guide:
A company-wide document that outlines a particular brand’s rules for creating content; can include decisions about vocabulary, spelling, syntax, grammar, and various other deliberate language choices

Contextual inquiry:
Research method in which users are observed in their natural environment in order to understand their tasks and challenges

Conversion rate:
The percentage of visitors that complete a targeted transaction online

Copy doc(ument):
A document that summarizes all copy featured on a website, app, or other digital product

The written material of a design

Software that is designed to work on multiple platforms or operating systems

Customer journey map:
A map that visualizes the linear path a customer takes to engage with a particular product or service being offered by a business