UX Glossary

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There are currently 4 names in this directory beginning with the letter Q.
Qualitative research:
The study of human behavior that emphasizes nonnumerical insights, focusing on thoughts, feelings, emotions, opinions, and experiences—answering the “what,” “how,” and “why” of a user’s behavior rather than “how many” or “how much” [See quantitative research]

Quality assurance (QA):
The systematic process of determining whether a product or service meets specified requirements and functions free of any defects or bugs; QA specialists intentionally aim to find breaking points in software and products so that users don’t have to

Quantitative research:
The study of human behavior that focuses on behaviors that can be measured and expressed in numbers or figures [See qualitative research]

Questionnaire (or survey):
Qualitative or quantitative research method (depending on the format of questions) used to collect data from individuals about certain topics or experiences