UX Glossary

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There are currently 11 names in this directory beginning with the letter S.
Sans serif:
A category of typefaces that do not have small lines attached to the ends of the characters (“sans” means without) [See serif]

The ease with which a body of text can be read and understood

Screen reader:
The interface or software program that allows a blind or visually impaired individual to read text displayed on a computer that has a speech synthesizer or braille display

Questions used to narrowly target an audience by qualifying or disqualifying respondents (from taking a survey) depending on how they answer

Search engine optimization (SEO):
Techniques to improve a website’s ranking in search engine results

A category of typefaces that have small lines attached to the ends of the characters [See sans serif]

A visual tool for planning and organizing the navigational structure, content, and labeling for the major categories and subcategories of a website or app

Software as a Service (SAAS):
A software distribution model in which an app is licensed on a free or subscription basis and hosted remotely over the internet (in the cloud) instead of locally on a machine

A cartoon-like illustration that explains a user problem—depicting the situation that sets it in motion, the thoughts and feelings a user experiences along the way, and the series of actions taken to get the issue resolved

Style guide:
The rules, standards, and instructions for how a brand’s identity should look, act, and sound across mediums such as digital, print, and broadcast

Survey (or questionnaire):
Qualitative or quantitative research method (depending on the format of questions) used to collect data from individuals about certain topics or experiences